volunteer young girl

Join Our Pack!
On a daily basis, we have new foster dogs and cats coming into the system that need medical care, such as insulin, heart meds, allergy meds etc.  Won't you be part of the pack and help with a monthly donation?
  • Nail Clipper Pack - $10/month
  • Paw Pack - $25/month
  • Tail Wag Pack - $50/month
  • Wet Kiss Pack - $100/month

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Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

Hi Lynn, I just wanted to give you a quick update on Dezz. She is doing awesome. I can't believe how easily she has fit in. It's like she's been here all along. She is eating next to Zeus (no growling), she goes potty outside (you were right about her hating the cold and her ability to hold it!), and she sleeps in bed with us snuggled in. It's kinda nice she is not a one person dog, she goes to Dave and Dylan too. Zeus is getting used to her, sometimes he picks on her but she just gives it back. She is a joy to have and we are already so in love with her! Thanks again for picking us, Marti, Dave and Dylan